Elevating Your Peace
The 4 Agreements of the Mind (Ahimsa)
Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, we take the words from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, the 4 Agreements and see how they help us practice AHIMSA (non-harming). Learn how these 4 Laws help us live a more peaceful meaningful existence on a route to greatness.Â
Playing Small (Satya)
In Playing Small we look at the second Yama, Satya (or truthfulness). From an early age we were taught to be nice and not real. We were taught to act and behave a certain way. In order to play big we have to learn how to step outside of that. In this video we identify what it means to play big and the roadblocks that tend to stand in our way.
The price of Procrastination (Asteya)
Today we move into the third Yama, Asteya (non-stealing) and the number of ways we steal from ourselves and others. More specifically we’ll look at how we steal time from ourselves with procrastination, how we steal our joy with comparison, how we steal our potential with self-sabotage and what this means for our performance.
Why champions don’t have balance (Brahmacharya)
Today we talk about the 4th Yama, Brahmacharya (moderation) and how we can redefine the idea of balance for an athlete. All too often, we tend to feel overloaded with our schedule. This sense of overwhelm leads to stress and stress leads to exhaustion. Creating a sense of calm in your life will start with identifying your roles and simplifying your daily process.
The 24 hour rule: Letting go of the losses AND the wins (aparigraha)
Letting go can be one of the hardest things to do as athletes. For some of us a bad game can linger for eternity. But we all know that the best players are the ones who can learn the lesson and move on. It’s not so much about forgetting what happened in the game, but removing the emotion from it. In doing so you free yourself up for something new.