Even the Best Falter
It’s Ok to Sit in the Discomfort (in fact, it’s necessary)
Stop giving up on yourself so soon. The minute you hit resistance is not the minute you quit, it’s the minute you grow.
If you look at any of your favorite athletes there’s a story there about overcoming and about ups and downs. No one climbs to the top without some turbulence. Yet we think we’re immune.
Here’s the thing that not enough people are telling you: This process takes time. Once you arrive at your highest level, that’s just the beginning. Now you gotta learn how to live there. And nothing about that process will be smooth sailing or a straight shot.
My Biggest Regret
I played two years as a professional soccer player in Sweden.
Year one was incredible. Year two was horrendous. After “horrendous,” I quit.
I didn’t realize that horrendous happens to all of us. And that the truly great players keep going.
In this week’s Dharma Talk I share some stories about a few of the players on the US Women’s National Team and what we can learn from them about the process of becoming. When we understand that a bad game, a bad season, is inevitable, we can let go of the need for perfection and embrace the moment for what it is - a moment, not a declaration of our abilities.
Hop in on this conversation and challenge yourself to reframe your thinking about the process as you give yourself some grace on the road to excellence.
As always…
Rooting for you BIG,