The other side of personal
Welcome to your dharma
Having the courage to not take things personally...
Why have you not read Don Miguel Ruiz and the 4 Agreements yet!? It really is the foundation of soooooooo much of what we cover here, because it's just so incredibly on point.
Agreement No.2: Don't take anything personally.
This one alone will change your life! I don't care if you're at the grocery store, on the sidelines of a big game, at your cousin's wedding - at YOUR wedding. It ain't about you.
To understand this, the first best thing you can do is read the book. The second best thing you can do is listen to this podcast...
P.S. Thank you for bearing with me as I figure out this audio. Have no doubt, I will get this. It's just going to take some time and some trial and error.
I appreciate you.
This week's yoga schedule at YogaView Willmette
Friday level 2/3 11:00am - 12:00pm (in person)
Saturday All-Levels 8:00 - 9:00am (Virtual or in-person)