Why you should stop setting realistic goals

Playing to win...


I looked down at the paper and eyed my list of "goals," nodding to no one in particular. They sounded crisp and confident.

I sat down across from my mentor, Tarrus, and began to present my list.

Maybe it was my tone or maybe it was the way I finished and looked up expectantly, but his reaction was less than enthusiastic.

"Do these things you mentioned inspire you?" he asked.

A bit thrown by the question, I reread the list.

A rhetorical 'no' was bubbling to the surface.

Without waiting for a reply he said: "You goals should inspire you. They should light you up." Write them again, he said.

"When you stumble upon something that wakes you up and makes you excited to keep going, then you'll know you have found your vision. You're not there yet."


I left that day a bit disappointed, but I knew he was right.

I sat down to visualize my life without limitations and the impact I could have if I dreamed bigger and pushed harder. I was shocked at how quickly the "goals" shifted and reformed themselves.

I started to see the people I could help and the life I could live with my family. Travel. Community. Impact.

The Lesson

It's easy to set realistic goals. They feel safe and they give you direction, but they don't inspire you.

I can't tell you how important that last part is. Because this is a long journey, with bumps and bruises, and if you don't have a vision that invigorates you, you won't make it.

Look down at your goals. Remove the limitations. Dream a bit bigger. Trust a bit deeper. And see what's possible when you let go of easy and reach for brilliance.

Listen to the rest in this week's Dharma Talk by clicking the link below.

And as always...

Rooting for you BIG,



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