The time for #nonewfriends is over, my friend
Making new friends ain't easy and getting rid of old ones is even harder. But if we're talking about being the average of the five people we spend the most time with, then I'm here for the audit.
Building your tribe is something you have to do, not something that just happens. And maybe this is where we go wrong. We wait for our friends to show up and we hope that all of this comes together naturally.
But this is lazy.
Your dream team will not fall in your lap. You will have to put yourself out there and make an effort. Why? Because you're not just looking for people that like you. You're looking for people that challenge you and that help you to grow.
I follow a lot of entrepreneurs on social media and I am blown away with how many of them are friends with one another. Either they met through a mastermind or they were introduced by other friends. Now, they help each other promote their businesses and build their brands on a level that's unmatched.
All because they were intentional with their relationships. They figured out their core values and the type of people they wanted to associate with and they took action.
All of this should sound really uncomfortable, because building your tribe will require that YOU start the conversation and that YOU take action.
Since pre-school your friends have been out of convenience. Same class, same team, same family friends. What would it look like if you reached out to someone new that was on the same energy as you? What would it look like if you started to be more intentional with whom you surrounded yourself with?
Listen to this week's podcast and start defining what you value so that you can start building a tribe that lines up with your greatest, most inspiring, hopes and dreams.
Rooting for you BIG,
This week's yoga schedule at YogaView Willmette
Friday level 2/3 11:00am - 12:00pm (in person)
Saturday All-Levels 8:00 - 9:00am (Virtual or in-person)