Are you really burnt out?

WWDGS (what would David Goggins say?)...


Arguably the toughest man on the planet, David Goggins, is in no mood for your excuses. He's probably more than a little annoyed that you don't know who he is because now he has to tell you.

In fact, stop what you're doing right now. Don't google "David Goggins," instead type this into the search: "the baddest motherfucker on the planet."

Don't worry I'll wait.

Who's picture pops up? Exactly.

And what does David Goggins say about your potential? He says you're not even close to tapping out. That when you feel like you're at the end of your rope and you got nothin' left, that you're only at 40% of your max capacity.


That means you have a whole 60% to go.

So are you really burnt out?

We like to talk a good game about burn out and what it feels like to be overwhelmed, but maybe we just need to drink some water and go to bed.

At least that's what podcaster, Tom Bileyu says.

He says, let's not confused being tired, lack of passion, misuse of focus, with needing better sleep and better nutrition/hydration.

While there are a million factors that play into feeling "burnt out" check the first two before you make any real declarations.

  1. Your sleep and...
  2. Your nutrition

And then ask yourself; what is the benefit of saying I'm burnt out? How do you give yourself an out with this type of thinking? What happens instead if you decide that you're only 40% in? I'm pretty sure it means you adjust your controllables (e.g. your sleep, your nutrition, etc) and ... you keep going.

Listen to the rest in this week's episode on burnout.

Rooting for you BIG,




This week's yoga schedule at YogaView Willmette

Friday level 2/3 11:00am - 12:00pm (in person)

Saturday All-Levels 8:00 - 9:00am (Virtual or in-person)

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