Welcome to your dharma


Look it has something to do with man diapers and living your purpose, but I promise you if you read to the end it will all be worth it (well at least I hope so).


My favorite yoga teacher used to walk around in a man diaper, well not really, but that's what I'm calling it. He'd prop himself up on a bolster and tell the most amazing stories about life, and yoga, and philosophy, and whatever.

It was incredible.

I'd leave feeling so inspired and ready to take on whatever the world had to throw at me. He used to call them dharma talks.

Which brings us to now.

While I have zero interest in donning a man diaper I am all about feeling inspired, creating clarity, and chopin' it up with you about whatever the day calls for.

These are shorty episodes (8-15 mins) where we talk about the messy journey of becoming more of who we already are. These will show up in your email every Thursday and your Code of Excellence emails will slide over to Sunday.

Click the link below and listen to the first one.



... And because this is a physical practice too, hop on your mat and join me (live or virtual) for yoga this week.

This week's schedule at YogaView Willmette

Friday level 2/3 11:00am - 12:00pm (in person)

Saturday All-Levels 8:00 - 9:00am (Virtual or in-person)

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