Build. Settle. Play.
The baggage of expectations: Living in the Now (saucha)
Now we jump into the Niyamas and focus on the practices of WHAT to do. Saucha (or purity/cleanliness) has two forms. We can talk about purity in terms of cleanliness of our outside environment and cleanliness of our inside environment (mind and soul). Dealing with the inner journey means finding purity of intention and purity in the moment. This is about your ability to be in the moment as it is, without needing to fix or alter it.
Building the practice of gratitude (santosha)
In this video we talk about Santosha (contentment), the second of the Niyamas. Learning to be content, no matter the circumstance, will become somewhat of a superpower. Shying away from jealousy and envy we find ourselves in a place of joy, where we don’t need outside validation or acclaim.
Ok, but do it anyway: Learning to get things done even when you don’t feel like it (Tapas)
Chances are you know what you need to do, but some reason you struggle to follow through. Learning to get things done even when you don’t feel like it will be the difference between you actualizing your goals and you just talking about it. Because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how much you know if you can’t put that into action.
There’s No Such Thing As a Team Sport (svadhyaya)
One of the things that’s rarely talked about is the fact that there are no team sports. While this might seem controversial to say, it’s the more honest approach to preparing athletes for what they will face day in and day out. No matter how many players share in the experience, you will have your own trials and tribulations to work through, and therefore play an individual sport.
Playing Free: Accessing the Flow State (ishvara pranidana)
This is it! The ultimate challenge: To play free!
This is the big stuff. All of your lessons thus far have been leading up to this point. Take a look back from wince you came and learn how to put all of the pieces together in order to live out this ideal. Playing free is a state of mind and one that takes a great deal of discipline and practice to access.